Cupping is a form of healing therapy that can help ease pain. It hails from an ancient form of medicine in use for thousands of years in Middle Eastern and Chinese cultures. During therapy, the specialist places cups on the stomach, back, legs, arms, and other body parts. The cup employs a suction or vacuum force to pull the skin upwards. It helps to know what to anticipate when you get cupping therapy.

How Cupping Works

It is not clear exactly how cupping helps ease pain and relieve disease symptoms. What’s known is that the suction force from the cup draws fluid to the treatment area. The action expands and breaks tiny capillaries (blood vessels) under the skin. The body treats the section like an injury, sending more blood to the area to boost the natural healing process.

Some specialists suggest that cupping helps release toxins and clear the pores. The therapy can be performed by medical doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists, acupuncturists, and massage therapists.

What Cupping Can Treat

Cupping therapy can help treat various health conditions. It can be used to relieve the symptoms of:

·       Back pain, shoulder pain, and neck pain.

·       Headaches and migraines.

·       Arthritis and knee pain.

·       Carpal tunnel syndrome.

·       Breathing issues such as asthma.

·       High blood pressure.

·       Gastrointestinal disorders, including IBS.

Many patients believe cupping is effective for dealing with chronic health issues.

During Cupping Therapy – What To Expect

Most health providers use plastic or glass cups during the procedure. But don’t be surprised if you see cups made of ceramic, metal, silicone, or bamboo. There are different ways to perform the therapy, and steps may vary with the type chosen.

During treatment, the therapist will place cups on the treatment areas for several minutes. The procedure may involve moving the cups to massage and stretch the area. Multiple cups may be placed on the skin based on the technique used.

Effects Of Cupping Therapy

Studies show that cupping can help alleviate symptoms by improving immunity and boosting blood circulation. Effects of the therapy include:

·       Promoting skin blood flow.

·       Increases pain thresholds.

·       Changes the skin’s biomechanical components.

·       Reduces inflammation.

·       Improves local metabolism.

·       Boosts cellular immunity.

According to studies, cupping helps stretch underlying tissue, improving natural healing.

What To Expect After Cupping 

There is not enough research on the long-term benefits of cupping. The vacuuming force from cupping opens tiny capillaries under the skin, which can leave bruise-like marks on the skin. The marks fade in one or two weeks. Potential risks of the procedure include fatigue, burns, headaches, muscle soreness or tension, nausea, and skin infections or scarring.
Cupping is effective, but it is not for everyone. Pregnant women and people with a bleeding disorder, such as hemophilia, must not get the treatment. The therapy is not ideal for people with blood clotting issues or skin conditions such as psoriasis or eczema. People with a history of strokes should avoid cupping.
There are two methods of cupping, dry and wet cupping. Whichever you pick, contact your healthcare provider immediately if you experience severe symptoms after the therapy.
For more on what to expect when you get cupping therapy, visit San Diego Pain and Rehab at our San Diego, California office. Call (619) 313-6300 to schedule an appointment today.

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